Sunday, December 15, 2013

What’s Happening? - Commercial Music.

The first time I heard tUnE-yArDs (that’s a pain in the ass to type) was in a Blackberry commercial. In the commercial the song is cut up and people are talking over it. It didn’t matter – what is that song? I wasn’t the only one with the question. People were asking all over the internet.

The album W H O K I L L is one of my favorite ever. My friends used to make fun of me for finding songs through ads, but the fact that I found tUnE-yArDs via Blackberry has always made her angy anti-“buziness” songs sound even sweeter to me.

Lately though, the trend with music in commercials is just gross.

Is there some advertising firm out there with indie robots programmed to write hip songs? I’m afraid.

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